Thursday 25 September 2014

Introducing Our Logo

Dear readers,

We are proud to unveil the logo for our project, designed by the very talented Margot Van Malderen.

The design was inspired by the gorgeous lakes of the Luapula province and the rich fishing industry taking place upon these great waters.

Furthermore, it fits nicely with our tagline "Creating a stream of information to strengthen the nation". After all, exposing children to literature generates a flow of great ideas. And we are sure that, navigating through this stream of thoughts, the children of the Luapula province will turn these ideas into projects that will better the lives of their families and their community.

So, overall, we're very happy to have an image that represents our project on both a visual and a metaphorical level.

We're looking forward to hear your thoughts about our logo.

Until next time.

Libwe Project
Creating a stream of information to strengthen the nation